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Gregory Iwan: Don't vote for anguish. Vote for attention. Vote for Josh Goldberg.

An op-ed in another journalistic vehicle today claimed that Tim Waters, candidate for the City Council seat for Ward One, has a handle on affordable housing. I beg to strongly differ.
Typewriter opinion
Photo by Alexa Mazzarello on Unsplash

This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

An op-ed in another journalistic vehicle today claimed that Tim Waters,

candidate for the City Council seat for Ward One, has a handle on

affordable housing. I beg to strongly differ. I've listened to him, and

I've also been deeply involved in the "affordable" housing game since 1999.

That includes a stint on the Board of the Longmont Housing Authority from

2010 to 2013.

Mr. Waters clearly strikes me as one who has no answers, only questions.

That can be laudable, but his stance is to complain and to say "We need . .

. (fill in your favorite societal or economic shortcoming)." This is the

stance an advisor or consultant would take, not a decision maker. Those who

have to push the green or the red button when the chop suey is getting cold

require a different breed of gene, and I think Mr. Waters just doesn't have

it. How would I know? I am the "advisor" type; I wouldn't run for office at


One who is running for office, and one who should, is Mr. Josh Goldberg.

His candidacy is not fluff or fault-finding or pie-in-the-sky wishing. Josh

is reasonable, rational, broad-minded, and positive. That to me is exactly

what is needed at every level of government in the USA today. With Josh you

don't get a flashlight in the cellar, you get a carefully considered and

conscientiously applied dose of mousetrap (if that is needed) and

insulation, where warranted.

Ward One: do yourselves and the City a favor. Don't vote for anguish. Vote

for attention. Vote for Josh Goldberg.

Gregory Iwan

Longmont, CO

This is an opinion piece that was submitted to the Longmont Observer and does not necessarily represent the opinion of the Longmont Observer. If you have an opinion piece you'd like published, please visit our 'Submit an Opinion' page.