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Opinion: Ruby Bowman: LTE: Neighbors Have the Right to Know

Aluminum Phosphide is a category 1 restricted use pesticide, the highest toxicity category assigned and regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Typewriter opinion
Photo by Alexa Mazzarello on Unsplash

This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Aluminum Phosphide is a category 1 restricted use pesticide, the highest

toxicity category assigned and regulated by the Environmental Protection

Agency. The Fumitoxin brand of this pesticide is often used to poison

prairie dogs on private land in Longmont. Only certified pesticide

applicators are allowed to use the pesticide, but this doesn't mean children

are safe from this dangerous substance, even though it is tightly regulated.

In 2010 two Utah girls, aged 4 years and 15 months, died as a result of

phosphine gas exposure when a licensed pesticide applicator negligently

applied Fumitoxin on the lawn of the girls' home to kill voles. Phosphine

gas is produced when pellets of an aluminum phosphide product, such as

Fumitoxin, react with moisture.

Most residents have no idea this dangerous pesticide is being used in their

neighborhoods. They are taken by surprise when they see pesticide

applicators fumigating prairie dogs on the vacant lot located next to their

house, a place where their children play and neighbors walk their dogs. A

pesticide applicator is supposed to post a danger sign on the site but many

times neighbors are not even aware it's there.

Whenever a private property owner plans to poison prairie dogs on his land,

the city should require the property owner to obtain a city permit and also

give written notification to neighbors living close to the proposed

fumigation site, prior to pesticide fumigation activities commencing.

Residents have the right to know what's happening in their neighborhoods.

It is a public safety issue.

Ruby Bowman

This is an opinion piece that was submitted to the Longmont Observer and does not necessarily represent the opinion of the Longmont Observer. If you have an opinion piece you'd like published, please visit our 'Submit an Opinion' page.