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Opinion: Ingrid Moore-- In Support of a Better Idea

Are you frustrated with the Electoral College process in our elections? Would you like to see that process improved to be fairer and easier to understand while still being constitutionally sound? Where every vote counts?
Typewriter opinion
Photo by Alexa Mazzarello on Unsplash

This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

Are you frustrated with the Electoral College process in our elections?

Would you like to see that process improved to be fairer and easier to

understand while still being constitutionally sound? Where every vote


A bill to do just that, SB19-042 The National Popular Vote Interstate

Compact (NPV IC), will be debated in the Colorado Senate, possibly next


The bill would change the way states allocate their Electoral votes. It

is Constitutionally within State's rights to decide this. Most states

now have a statewide winner-take-all system, in which the state’s entire

Electoral vote total goes to the statewide popular vote winner. So, all

the Electoral votes go to the winning candidate of that state even if

nearly half the state’s voters vote for the other candidate. Those who

vote for the loser often feel as though their vote doesn’t count. With

NPV, all the state’s Electoral votes would go to the winner of the

nationwide popular vote. No matter how their state votes, all votes are

counted toward a national vote total.

The NPV-IC would make it so that people vote as citizens of the United

States rather than citizens of their state.

The NPV IC is a legal agreement among states to collectively award all

their Electoral votes to the presidential candidate who wins the popular

vote nationwide. It is a means of ensuring that the candidate with the

most votes nationwide will become the president.

A total of 270 Electoral votes are required for majority control of the

Electoral College. The compact takes effect when states with a total of

270 Electoral votes have joined the NPV-IC.

I urge you to write or call your state legislators right away in support

of this bill. Go to, or

You can learn more at

Ingrid Moore is a Longmont resident.