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Opinion: Brian Coppom-Sugary Drink Tax at Work: Making Fresh Produce Available for All

With the opening of the farmers market April 7th we are reminded that resh food is good food. For 31 years, the farmers at Boulder County Farmers Markets have worked to grow high-quality food for our community.
Typewriter opinion
Photo by Alexa Mazzarello on Unsplash

This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

With the opening of the farmers market April 7th we are reminded that resh

food is good food. For 31 years, the farmers at Boulder County Farmers

Markets have worked to grow high-quality food for our community. In 2017,

local growers provided almost a million pounds of fresh fruits, vegetables,

meats, and edible plants to Boulder County residents.

Growing locally also means paying a fair wage, supporting the environment,

and minimizing the use of toxic chemicals. The higher cost of local

production and a lack of awareness prevent many in our community from

accessing locally grown food. Even though the median family income in

Boulder is almost twice the national average, an estimated one in eight

people living in Boulder County need food assistance.

The city of Boulder's tax on sugary drinks is helping us balance the scale.

The tax of two cents per ounce on soda and other sugary drinks allows us to

offer incentives to low-income families and youth populations — groups that

are disproportionately targeted in soda advertising and marketing — to

choose whole fresh foods.

In 2017, grants as a result of the tax allowed us to give gift certificates

to 400 deserving mothers and children for use at the market. Grants for the

2018 season will support doubling SNAP benefits at market and bringing

fresh food to young families and early childhood care centers.

Boulder County Farmers Markets, which operates markets in Boulder and

Longmont, is one of 14 programs in our community that received funds from

the sugary drink tax. We are using it to make a difference at the

grassroots level by putting these tax dollars to work as they were intended

— increasing access to healthy foods and supporting the health of the


Brian Coppom

Executive Director, Boulder County Farmers Markets

Longmont and Boulder

This is an opinion piece that was submitted to the Longmont Observer and does not necessarily represent the opinion of the Longmont Observer. If you have an opinion piece you'd like published, please visit our 'Submit an Opinion' page.