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Efficiency Works Homes program expanding

Efficiency Works Homes program is expected to more than double the number of customers it served in 2023
Platte River Power Authority Headquarters in Fort Collins

A partnership between the Efficiency Works Homes program and Energy Outreach Colorado is expected to provide a broader range of support for income-qualified customers.

The partnership will assist them to use their energy effectively while also participating in the region's transition to a non-carbon future.

“This unique partnership allows Platte River to fund measures beyond the conventional scope of CARE’s programming," said Raj Singam Setti, chief operating officer, innovation and resource strategy integration for Platte River in a prepared statement. “We are honored to help lead the nation in providing customers of all financial backgrounds the opportunity to participate in the energy transition.”

Efficiency Works is a regional energy efficiency collaboration that aims to provide guidance and resources for customers to use energy effectively, work toward a non-carbon energy future and build strong, resilient communities for those served by Platte River Power Authority

The Colorado Affordable Residential Energy Program, which is administered by Energy Outreach Colorado, is looking to expand the impact of no-cost-to-customer home energy upgrades for those who meet the income-qualified requirements.

The partnership means both organizations are on track to top their previous milestones and set a new standard for community-driven energy efficiency initiatives.