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The Power of Intercession (And the Evangelistic Heart)

On today's interview, Pastor Matthew Spencer of Christ Church International interviews Jo Ann Atherton of Sunrise Ministries International.
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This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

By Matthew Spencer

On today's interview, Pastor Matthew Spencer of Christ Church International interviews Jo Ann Atherton of Sunrise Ministries International. She is a remarkable woman who is still traveling the world in her eighties. She and her husband, Bob, are continuing to minister and are planning new trips into 2020. They work primarily in India, Africa, and Israel, and they use Skype to preach to the nations from their office.

They also host a Sunrise Support Group on Thursday nights at Christ Church International (7pm). This group is open specifically to minister to the deep needs of both young and old who are wrestling with drugs, alcohol, and the hurts of life.

The Power of Intercession

Jo Ann has a strong heart of prayer, and she believes in the power of intercession. She said, "We believe that intercession needs to be the predominant activity in the church. And when it is, we just see all kinds of wonderful things happen."

Jo Ann further said that, "This is a day of bringing in the harvest." Continuing she said that, "We need to be rolling up our sleeves...and praying for God to move mightily in our churches."

The Evangelistic Heart

Jo Ann and Matthew discussed the heart of evangelism. Jo Ann said, "...[The evangelistic heart is...] to go out on the streets and to say: 'come in now where there is light and laughter. Come into the church where you can be discipled and loved back to life!'"

Pray For Those In Authority

During the conversation, Jo Ann referenced 1 Timothy 2, which urges us to pray for all people, but specifically our leaders and those who are in authority over us. She said that as we pray here in Longmont, one of our focuses is to pray for revival, and that God's hand would be on every political leader in our county, our state, and our nation.

Jo Ann and Matthew concluded by praying for those in authority over us. Jo Ann specifically lifted up the pastors of our community. She prayed that God would embrace and protect the pastors of our community, and that He would let them know that He is with them. She prayed that they would be encouraged. And that in due season, they will reap if they "faint not." She prayed that they would not faint (Galatians 6:9). And that they will be "...up to everything that You want them to do in these last days."

About – Sunrise Ministries International

"Sunrise International is an interdenominational, non-profit, discipleship outreach that trains and equips the Body of Christ to minister to the deep needs of people, including alcoholism, drug addictions, and life-limiting hurts. The ministry began in Boulder, CO, with the establishment of Sunrise Support Groups, expanded to other states, including Canada, the former Soviet Union, Europe, Africa, India and the Middle East. Presently Sunrise has a presence in Africa, Israel and India. Pastors and leaders in other countries receive teaching by way of Skype Conferences as well as conferences and seminars in their countries."


When & Where: Go to the website (Click HERE) to find out how you can get involved, support, or pray.

Connect with Sunrise Ministries International

  • Address: Sunrise Ministries International 3106 Concord Way, Longmont, CO 80503
  • Phone: 303-776-1722
  • Email: [email protected] 
  • To Donate: (Click Here)

About – #LongmontPrays

Longmont Prays is a prayer initiative by Longmont area pastors and ministry leaders. In these interviews, we talk about the importance of prayer and why prayer is such a high priority and value for our city. We’re really declaring just that: prayer matters. In the coming weeks, as we release these videos through The Longmont Observer. Our hope is that these interview will,

  1. Draw your heart closer to God.
  2. Inspire you to pray.
  3. Help reveal the need to pray for our beloved city — Longmont.

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