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Video: Gun Resolution Discussion At Longmont City Council

Bagley encouraged everyone to take the time to listen to all the various points of view represented at this meeting.
Council Chamber Audience

This content was originally published by the Longmont Observer and is licensed under a Creative Commons license.

The Longmont City Council opened Public Invited To Be heard and listened to almost 4 hours of residents input about a gun resolution put forth by Council Member Tim Waters.

You can download and read the resolution by clicking here.

According to Mayor Brian Bagley, the opinions of the public, on all sides of the issue, were both valuable and informative. He encouraged everyone to take the time to listen to all the various points of view represented at this meeting.

The final council vote was 4 to 3 in favor of the Gun Resolution.

For: Tim Waters, Marcia Martin, Joan Peck, and Polly Christensen.

Against: Brian Bagley, Bonnie Finely, and Aren Rodriguez.

The complete list of residents, which is part of the public record, who spoke during Public Invited To Be Heard is below. Note: the names are generally in the same order people appeared in the video, but, not necessarily. Some names on the list did not speak at all.

Download Public-Invited-To-Be-Heard-List-9-10-19.pdf